SSS Services

In TRIO, our goal is to help students feel confident navigating the college journey. In recognizing that every student’s college journey is unique, we provide a number of services to create a customized TRIO experience. We offer academic coaching, tutorial services, career and graduate school exploration, study room support, and referrals to other services as needed.
SSS Program Highlights Heading link

- Advising & Academic Support
- Academic support
- Advocacy
- Identifying academic and personal strengths and challenges
- Developing of career plans
- Understanding course selection and identification of a major
- Assistance with time management
- Assistance with understanding Financial Aid policy and procedures
- Referrals to other campus resources as needed
- Online resources such as TRIO SSS blackboard site and newsletter
Outreach is made to students through scheduled meetings on an individual and group basis. Students may be strongly encouraged to meet with the TRIO Advisor on a weekly basis, but no less than two times per academic term, depending on the level of need. This covers issues such as attendance and course work, the financial aid application process, personal counseling, college policies, grades, finding employment, and applications to graduate school.
- Tutorial Support
- After meeting with the program advisor, students are referred to tutoring as needed for the success of the student. Tutoring sessions may be individualized or within a group
- Financial Aid
- Students are provided a series of workshops that cover financial aid, financial literacy, and FAFSA understanding and completion to ensure financial forms are completed and submitted in a timely manner
- Workshops
- A series of workshops are offered that address areas such as: academic skills development; time and stress management; wellness; scholarship searches; social etiquette; leadership development; and, study abroad opportunities
- Career & Graduate School Advisement
- Career guidance and post-graduate exploration and decision making are supported through individual and group advising, and workshops with the Office of Career Services and the Graduate College. Visit to colleges and universities in Illinois and other states.
- Computer Lab
- Students are provided a study area with computers that have internet access to assist with completion of homework assignments, checking email, web research, and tutoring interface